How to Protect your Timber Floors from Pet Damage

Pets are a blessing to have around the house, but they can also be tough on your timber floors. Whether it's scratches, accidents, or just general wear and tear, pet damage can be a real headache for homeowners with floorboards.

At Pittwater Eco we have received many calls over the years from Sydney residents with floorboard damage caused by their pets. Below we’ll look at some of the most effective ways to care for your timber floors when you have pets and the best flooring finishes to consider when resanding and polishing your floorboards.

The two most common types of pet damage that can affect timber floors are indentations or scratches from pet paws and claws (especially dogs) and pet urine stains.

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How do I prevent floorboard damage caused by my pet peeing?

Cats, dogs, rabbits, and rodents have a tendency to leave urine puddles on floors, which can cause severe damage. The acidity in the urine can penetrate wooden surfaces, leading to discolouration, warping, and unpleasant odours.

The most efficient method to prevent any harm is to train them to urinate outside or in a designated location within your home. However, accidents can occur, and in such cases, timing is critical.

It’s essential to clean up any urine immediately using warm (not hot) water and a pH neutral floor cleaner. A solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide in water can be used to neutralise the odour. Steer clear of products with vinegar or ammonia, as these can damage your timber floors.

Note: If your pet urinates on a rug or any flooring fixture, the moisture can also seep through and damage the underlying floorboards, so we recommend always checking the timber below.


How do I prevent my pet from scratching my floorboards?

Larger pets are usually more prone to scratching, with dogs being a bigger concern compared to cats. The weight of a dog can put significant pressure on wooden surfaces, particularly when their nails are sharp. In addition, dogs with long and fluffy fur may find it difficult to walk on timber floors, causing them to slip and slide, which can result in scratches.

Below are some recommendations that can assist in preventing scratches caused by pets:

Clip your pet’s claws

If your pet's claws are making a sound against the floor as they walk, we recommend trimming their nails, this can be done yourself or by visiting a professional dog groomer.

Incorporate rugs into your home

You can also protect your floorboards from potential scratches by placing rugs in high-traffic areas of your home.

For example, if your dog has a habit of running towards the front door when you arrive, placing a fabric runner can help to prevent any damage caused by their excitement. This can also reduce the risk of them skidding and injuring themselves on the smooth surface of the floorboards.


This can take time and patience but training your pet to not scratch at your floors is a good investment.

For Dogs: By using positive reinforcement methods, you can train your dog to walk calmly on the floorboards instead of running.

For Cats: Provide your cats with a designated area for scratching, such as a scratching post or mat. This will give them a place to scratch that's not your floors.


What are the best timber floor finishes for homes with pets?

If you’re looking to resand and polish your timber floorboards to be more pet friendly we recommend following these below guidelines:

Choose a low-gloss finish

Scratches and scruffs tend to stand out more against floorboards with a high-gloss finish. Opting for a satin or matte finish can help hide any damage.

Opt for a lighter colour finish

Light-colored finishes are less likely to show scratches, making them a great option for homes with pets.


Sydney’s Floor Sanding Experts

If you’re looking for a floor sanding company in Sydney that can help you protect your timber floors from pet damage, look no further than Pittwater Eco.

Our team of experts have years of experience in floor sanding & polishing, dedicated to helping our clients get the most out of their floors. Whether you need help preventing pet damage or removing existing damage, we can help!

Get in touch with our team today!


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